

A platform agnostic representation of Color.

What's New

SwiftColor 0.2.0


This release has two major changes:

  • Renamed 'Color' to 'Pigment': There would have been a continual naming collisions with SwiftUI.Color.
  • Replaced many CGFloat/Float instances with Double: Since the native floating point type in Swift is Double, it seemed logical to have the Pigment storage values use it.


A platform agnostic representation of Color.

Twitter: @richardpiazza


SwiftColor is distributed using the Swift Package Manager. To install it into a project, add it as a dependency within your Package.swift manifest:

let package = Package(
    dependencies: [
        .package(url: "https://github.com/richardpiazza/SwiftColor.git", .upToNextMajor(from: "0.2.0"))

Then import the SwiftColor packages wherever you'd like to use it:

import SwiftColor

Garbage in... Color out

The primary SwiftColor storage type is called Pigment. It stores RGBa information about a specific color and has many convenience initializers. The goal is to be able to pass any sort of color-related value, and get a reasonable color out.

// Different ways to initialize with 'Blue'
_ = Pigment(blue: 1.0)
_ = Pigment(blue: 255)
_ = Pigment("blue")
_ = Pigment("#0000FF")
_ = Pigment(0x00F)
_ = Pigment(0x0000FF)


  • Swift Tools 5.5.0
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  • None
Last updated: Sat Apr 13 2024 07:46:44 GMT-0900 (Hawaii-Aleutian Daylight Time)